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🏄‍♀️ The Dweb: Using Beaker + Dat to Surf and Publish on the Decentralized Web!

The Internet is beautiful dumpster fire. One of the more profound inventions of our time, it was designed to liberate and empower the billions of people on earth by making information readily available. Yet somewhere along the way, the power has shifted and information is now being funneled through a select few players before it reaches you and me. The consequences of this design change has created a negative rippled effect in almost all factors of human life, to the extent that even Sir Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of the World Wide Web, has spoke out against this trend. The decentralized web is predicted to be our saving grace. This article is aimed to teach you<sup>*</sup> how to get your foot in the door and surf the next generation of the Internet.

First, Some History

The Internet was built on the concept of decentralization. Information would be distributed through a fault-tolerant network of independently-run nodes. If one node went down or become insecure, the information could be re-routed through a series of neighboring nodes to reach it's final destination. This much has remained true to today.

When people bellyache that the Internet has become centralized, they're either referring to the fact that the ownership of these nodes has been funneled to a few major players(i.e. Google, Facebook, Amazon, etc.) or the exclusive access to these nodes has been limited to a few dominant companies (i.e. your Internet Service Provider: Comcast, Verizon, AT&T, etc.).

This concentration of power has opened the doors to massive censorship, the widespread dissemination of “Fake News”, and the unwinding of the network's neutrality<sup>*</sup>. As for-profit companies strengthen their grip on the Internet, ours will weaken.

Decentralize It

It wouldn't be an tech article without some TLAs (three-letter acronyms), so here we go: P2P!

Peer-to-peer is networking strategy that partitions workloads and resources to a vast network of peers. Our current distribution strategy is structured around client-server interactions via spoke-hub model. I (the client) request information from a website (the server), which returns a packet of information that travels through a series of spoke and hubs (we previously referred to these as nodes).

Hub-and-spoke network of the United States

A P2P paradigm fractures the client-server interaction. Instead of a central data warehouse holding all the files for a website, these files would be fragmented and distributed across an assemblage of computers/phones/servers. Those of us who have lived in the weird world of torrents will remember this interaction: you can download a file from a constellation of peers, while simultaneously “seed” the file (i.e. make it available for others to download).

However, with all it's splendor, P2P networks still face some sizable privacy, security, and social hurdles…

Dat For The Win

Dat is one of a few impressive solution in the P2P space. Dat is a protocol that's sprinkled with a few sugary features to resolve some of the issues surrounding the P2P architecture. It's designed for file-sharing among research groups, but it's applicable to the Internet at large. Let's dive into these issues and solutions:

Integrity and Versioning

Integrity issues take 2 forms:

  • link rot: websites will change their URL, so expired URLs lead users to 404 “uh-oh” pages.

  • content drift: websites update the content of a page, but the URL doesn't reflect the changes.

    Dat resolves these issues by creating a Merkle tree for every project. For the sake of brevity and readability, a Merkle tree is a complicated and secure data structure which encrypts and organizes a multitude of files. Merkle trees are common with versioning tools (such as Git and Subversion) and blockchain tech. Dat's Merkle trees contain 2 sections:

  • Metadata: this is where information about the project lives, such as name, author, size, last modify date, etc.

  • Content: this is where the project data/content lives. The data is splintered in an arrangement of easily-transferable packets, which are represented as leaves on the Merkle tree.

With this architecture in place, if I update my fabulous/mind-melting website and a client doesn't take kindly to my changes, they could then request to see the previous version of the site<sup>*</sup>. Perhaps more importantly, every distributed leaf uses a top hash to correlate itself to a tree; meaning, when a project gets chunked into a series of packets, each packet links back to the root of the project through some cryptographic wizardry.

Privacy and Security

We now have every web site split into a multitude of small packets and distributed across the world via a network of peers. When I try to visit your website via the Dat protocol, I will first look for peers that possess the data for your website in a process called Source Discovery. Once I get a list of peers, I'll establish a connection with them and begin downloading. This symbiotic group of peers downloading and seeding data is called a swarm. Because of Dat's end-to-end encryption, I'm assured that the data I'm receiving isn't going to be intercepted or manipulated, and due to some nifty cryptographic features of the Merkle tree, I'm ensured that the data I receive is the data I'm expecting.

Into the weeds

(Feel free to skip this part if you're not technically inclined)

There's 2 additional levels of customization that makes the Dat protocol even more charming. The source discovery phases uses any combination of 3 networks, with the ability to add networks if needed:

  • DNS: The most prevalent network for naming and identifying Internet entities (websites, email servers, etc.). It's essentially the phone book of the Internet.
  • Multicast DNS: A zero-config extension of DNS that useful for local networks.
  • Mainline DHT: A Kademlia-based Distributed Hash Table 😳. Simply put, it's a decentralized network designed and used by BitTorrent to manage their peers.

Then, during the swarming phase, clients have an option to customize their transportation layer: TCP, UTP, or HTTP (Dat's default protocol).

This article doesn't have the bandwidth to hash out the pros and cons of each networks and protocol- what's important is that the Dat protocol is empowering clients to tailor their discovery networks and communication protocols in order to meet their privacy needs.

Surf The Web

The quickest way to surf the Dweb is with the Beaker browser. Beaker is built on Chromium, so it feels and looks just like Chrome. The big difference is, it supports the dat:// protocol. To download the beaker browser, head on over to their installation page.

Once your on Beaker… surf! You can visit any ol' centralized website (including this one!), but the real magic is the dat:// sites

Publish on the Dweb

Choose your own adventure! You have two options in contributing to the Dweb: the command line way or the browser way. I'll walk you through both.

Option 1: Cool Techy Command Line Way

Already have a website you want to publish? Great! If not, just go to here, right click, select “Save Page As…”, then name it index.html or something more sexy if you'd like.

In your terminal, download Dat using npm (don't have npm? get it)<sup>1</sup>:

npm install -g dat

Now plop your html file into a new directory and dat-ify it<sup>2</sup>:

mkdir ~/Sites/dweb
mv ~/Downloads/Index.html ~/Sites/dweb
cd ~/Sites/dweb
dat share .

Visual illustrations of the "Option 1" section

Cool! You've successfully contributed to the Dweb! But what the heck just happened? Let's break it down.

The .dat directory

A newly created directory should pop up in your project's directory. If we dive into it, we'll see a handful of binary files that start with either content or metadata. Since you're an observant reader, you'll remember these two keywords when we broke down the Merkle tree… we've gone full circle!

If your some sort of wizard, you could re-code these files into human language and inspect them further, but for now, be happy knowing that it's your website converted into a fancy new Merkle tree. Neat!

Dat Statistics

The last 3 printed lines in your terminal are some general stats about your site. As of now, your site has been published, but sadly, your dat doesn't have an audience 😞… yet! This can be read as:

Sharing Dat: 1 files (x.x KB)

0 connections | Downloads 0 B/s Connections 0 B/s


In your terminal, you'll see a bizarre URL that's something like this:

dat://<64-character hex-encoded Ed25519 hash>

This is your address on the Dweb! Let's check it out: copy-and-paste it into the Beaker browser.

Next Steps

Neato, it works! Now go back to your terminal and witness the updates. You should see something like:

1 connection | Download 0 B/S Upload 0 B/S

Again: neato! Now let's make an update. Open up your html file (maybe located in

~/Sites/dweb) in some cool IDE, such as Sublime, WebStorm, etc or just a plan ol' text-editor, such as TextEdit. Do something weird (I wrapped a section in note blocks to give you a good starting point). Save it. Then back to the terminal:

dat sync

Wammy! That's about all she wrote. There's some more neat things, such as…

cloning someone else's (i.e. mine!) dat project:

dat clone dat:// <path-to-directory>

Doctoring<sup>*</sup> a bonked project:

dat doctor

Getting a little help:

dat status (shows information about the current dat project)
dat help (general information about the dat command line tool)

Option 2: The Beaker route

Fire up Beaker, click the hamburger, and then click Create New. Choose your own adventure! From here, either select:

  • Website: Creates a pretty boring “Hello World” site for you, which includes your garden variety files: index.html, script.js, and styles.css. Plus some dat-specific files: .datignore and dat.json
  • Empty project: Creates a project with only the .datignore and dat.json files. You add your own website assets.
  • From folder: Imports an existing dat project and auto-magically sync it with your local directory.

Visual illustrations of the "Option 2" section Red arrows point to some fun features: add files to a project, change sync location, and add a favicon image

Stay Stoked

Give yourself a pat on the back; you've successful pushed the enveloped and surfed/developed on the distributed web. Don't stop now though, ensure some longevity to your site with some neat hosting options.

If you enjoyed this article, check out my other stuff here or help me become a better coder by joining me on some fun projects.

Adios 🤙


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